Friday, November 24, 2006

Sleeping in and paranoia

I am secretly extremely excited that I get to sleep in tomorrow.
I absolutely HATE it when friends call me (continuously) at 10 am and seem to be shocked that I am still sleeping...or at least trying.

Call me lazy.
Tell me I'm wasting the weekend.
Bring it on.

Personally, I do not think that enjoying wasting my weekend is anyone's buisness but mine. Furthermore, I AM AN INSOMNIAC!!!
I will sleep as long as possible if I can actually fall asleep, and the only time I can do so is when I have absolutely nothing to do the next day.
I should mention that in order to sleep in (and by sleep in, I mean stay in bed-regardless of if I am sleeping, until I either have to pee really really bad, OR I am straving and thereby forced to get up) I often do not go to bed until 4am.

For the past 2 weeks the shock therapy had stopped. It is now back with a vengance. My ears are really taking the brunt of it.

Sidenote- I am getting increasingly paranoid that this blog is going to find it's way to my supervisor (henseforth, known as Boss), family, and officemates. I don't really care if my friends find out, because although I may make fun of them here, they are the ones actually doing something to make fun of so whatever. While I know there are millions of blogs out there in cyberworld, I don't think too many people get shocked by their earphones....or have vocal urges to throw computers at people. hmmm.


Count Byron said...

Vocal urges to throw computer at people is a real URGE :)
I love your writing.. though insomniac is a condition you must work on. My son had insomnia.. after trying so many therapies, now he settled for chiropractice.. now he is so much better.
Thanks for letting us in.

MaryAnne said...

count byron-
I am getting increasingly concerned about my lack of sleep... but I am at a crossroads. I don't want perscription pills (as enticing as they sound...) and the 'natural' cures require so much planning.
Maybe I am lazy! lol