Thursday, December 07, 2006

Conspiricy theory

I have become aware of the fact that not only will I need to convince my supervisory committee that I deserve my masters (when I defend) but EVERYONE in my boss's research group. I became privy to some information yesterday about a previous student who was 'really really stupid' who had got their masters a few months ago. Anyway, apparently everyone in the research group was really pissed that they let her defend because she didn't 'do' any of her research on her own or something. No mercy people. There is no mercy here.

Okay, so for Christmas, usually my sisters and parents get together and just chill for most of the day, eating, scrabble, know, the usual. Also, my extended family gets together for a potluck type thing (which usually extends into the wee hours of the morning...). Anyway, this year, both of my sisters have new boyfriends that are coming for this. Of course, I do not have a boyfriend....and I have also not met either one of their boyfriends yet. hmmmm. I have decided that I am going to become the loser sister who goes to family Christmas functions alone. Perfect.

A conversation I had this morning at the Tim Hortons Drive through:

Voice through teller: Hi. Can I take your order?
Me- Hi. Um, just a large black coffee and an old fashioned sugar donut.

extended silence

Voice- So that was a raspberry shot in coffee with no foam?!
Me- ummmm no. *enunciating way too much* LARGE BLACK COFFEE and an old fashioned sugar donut

another long silence

Voice-sorry. So we like, don't make the sugar donuts at this location.
Me- uhhhh well I'm pretty sure that you do.
Voice- (understandably annoyed) NO, we don't actually.
Me- um well okay, just the coffee then.
Voice- that will be $5.35
Me- A large coffee costs $1.45
Voice- You wanted a raspberry shot with no foam.
Me- No, I wanted a large black coffee. As in, NO RASPBERRY ANYTHING.
Voice- $1.45- please pull ahead.

Now, since not even the most hearing impaired person can possibly get 'raspberry' anything from 'large black coffee', I am pretty sure she meant to get my order wrong. Also, I am beginning to think that this is a Tim Horton's ploy to upgrade customers who only order coffee to pay more. I know I almost agreed with the girl because I wanted to stop the madness.

I was also unimpressed when I saw a woman exit the building with an old fashioned sugar donut. Obviously she gave in and agreed to get the raspberry shot.

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