Friday, January 12, 2007


I am irritated. Severely irritated.
I have been trying to schedule a meeting with my committee for the past 2 weeks. By trying, I mean compulsively e-mailing all of them asking for a time frame that everyone is available, and then attempting to schedule a time with the head of the department's secretary. Finally I get everything sent off today, thinking that I've got everything covered. I get an e-mail from boss 'time conflicts with schedule'. Are you serious?! Why the hell didn't you tell me the first 10 e-mails that I've sent?
So why am I so irritated? I have to attend a conference 2 weeks from now and present a 20 minute talk. A similar talk to the one I am defending at the previously mentioned meeting. Hence, the rush to get my committee together.
I spend more time tracking people down, passively-aggressively convincing them to do things, and pretending that I am not annoyed with them when they bail on me at last minute.

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