Monday, June 04, 2007

Chemistry sucks.

I was working in the lab today and something went awry. I don't exactly know what yet, but blogging about it, rather than figuring it out seemed to make perfect sense.

For those of you who are not familiar with chemistry, I will put this in layman's terms.
If you add a certain substance (A) with another substance (B) you will get a product (C).
In my case, there are three reactants... 2 of them are air and water.
So I do my thing and expect that my product (C) will have a component in it (from the reaction) that will react with another substance (D) that is prepared separately.
Upon adding D to C, nothing happened. Weird.
I tried it again, this time waiting for an hour before adding D. And..... Nothing.
Thinking my D was not mixed properly, I added it to something else which surely had some C in it and it reacted, so now I know the problem is not with D.
The problem is with C.

Now, to my predicament.
My entire thesis is hanging in the balance right now. My whole project is based on the A+B=C; C+D=E. E gets analysed and then I go on my merry way.


If A+B does not work. I don't know how the hell to do the experiments that I've been planning for the past 6 months.
I know this reaction should work. I know my method should work. I know that it has been done time and time again. So I am sitting here trying to think about what I could have possibly done wrong... and all I can think is What. The. Fuck.

I think that my lab should be the subject of my thesis. Titled 'Room 319: the only place in the universe where chemistry does not work'. Okay, so that title is lame. I'll work on it.

Excuse me while I hyperventilate.

#10 I believe that men should not have a say regarding the legality of abortion. There is no way that anyone can understand making a decision like that without actually experiencing it. It is easy to tell someone they can't do something 'because it is wrong' if there is no possibility of yourself ever being faced with that decision. (This is not to say that I think the choice to have an abortion should be entirely up to the woman...)

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