Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Time and Ducks

Today I realized that I am almost one year into my program. ONE YEAR! That is 1/2 of the total amount of time for my program.... as in 50%. Holy shit.
I don't even want to THINK about how much work I need to do in the next 14 months. Considering that I have not accomplished much in the last 10 months (besides course requirements) I am a little nervous thinking about doing my ENTIRE thesis in 14 months.
I need to breathe.... and maybe get a stiff drink (or 5).

#2. I was once compared to a duck.

I was told once, that I am similar to a duck in one major way. While, they seemingly float calmly on the surface of the water, giving the illusion that they are totally in control and relaxed. In reality, they are frantically kicking their feet in every attempt to keep afloat and slowly move from one point to another.
I was told that I am like this. Calm on the surface and FREAKING OUT inside. I suppose it is appropriate.

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