Wednesday, February 21, 2007

100 Things

Almost every blog I read has a post titled '100 things about me'. I figure, it is about time that I join the 100 club. I have been hesitant up to this point about compiling such a list, because I fear that I will not make it past #25 before adding points like 'I hate kidney beans' or 'I eat fruit cocktail out of the can'.
I want my 100 list to be entertaining, and exciting (which, will be difficult because I am neither entertaining nor exciting....). Nevertheless, I have decided to forge on. At the end of each post I make, I will add another entry to the list. Today, for instance, I will add #1. Here goes:

#1. My first kiss was when I was 8. I believe I was engaged in a game of 'boys chase girls' during recess in the 2nd grade. Basically, the game rules were:
1. Boys chase girls
2. If caught, the 'caught' girl gets kissed by the 'catcher' boy.

Usually, the girl is not a willing participant in this game (hence the chasing), but the thought of being kissed by a boy was repulsive enough for us to run around the schoolyard for the entire duration of recess.
One day, I was caught by a boy named Jeremy. As the other boys crowded around us, I remember him kissing me, and in a fit of helplessness, I head-butted him. Literally. I remember blood flooding from his nose and covering my new Micky and Minnie Mouse sweatshirt (which I obviously never wore again) and my pink stirr-up corduroy pants (which I loved). For the next year, I was known as the girl who beat up Jeremy. He never tried to kiss me again.

And that is the story of my first kiss.
It is cute right?

So I head butted the guy. Big deal.

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