Thursday, February 15, 2007

Why make-up sucks.

Do you know those women who walk around with what looks like 5 days of eye make-up smugged all over their eyes? Like all of their eyeliner and mascara has rubbed all over their eye-area and rather than actually removing it, they simply put on more concealer and eye make-up? Well, let me tell you, I don't think it is intentional.

I originally thought that these women just couldn't be bothered with removing eye make-up every night, as if they were just too busy to spend 3 whole minutes washing their face.
As it would seem, this is not the case.
The culprit of this weird phenomenon? Water-proof mascara.
As the name suggests, it is actually water-proof.

What they don't tell you, however, is that NOTHING can get the stuff off (apart from physically picking it away slowly..... along with a few unfortunate eyelashes). I am told that there is an eye-makeup remover that takes it off, however, it leaves an oily residue wherever applied. Gross.

So these women opt to just wear the same mascara from day to day without removing it, because it is IMPOSSIBLE to get off.

Anyway, to continue with this extremely pointless, yet valid rant; while I was purchasing said product the other day, I remembered my dislike of any waterproof make-up, but like a fool I bought it anyway.
I awoke the next morning feeling confident that my days of walking around the department with black 'footballer-esqe' make-up was over. I arrived at work looking and feeling pretty good... no makeup had been smudged to areas where it doesn't belong and I went about my day feeling pretty happy about it and thinking I had solved my problem.

That night, I must have spent 20 minutes trying to remove my mascara without pulling out ALL of my eyelashes.

To the women using this product.... it is not worth it!
Do you remember that feeling of waking up in the morning, rubbing your eyes and NOT feeling a crusty residue or seeing black flakes on your pillow case? It is a good feeling. I encourage you to experience it again.
And you won't look like you have 2 permanent black eyes year round. Score.

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