Monday, February 05, 2007

Pencil use: 101

Okay, so I am not a huge pencil user. I prefer pens.... I have for a long time. However, upon realizing my complete incompetence in getting my assignment questions right on the first try, I went out to the store on campus and picked up a mechanical pencil. Thinking that I was going to save hundreds of trees and be Greenpeace girl of the year for cutting down on my daily paper requirements, I began working with my brand new $3 pencil.

I now have eraser shavings all over my desk...... and myself.
My mouse is not working properly because the laser is picking up tiny rubber shavings, my (black) shirt is covered in these grayish sticky things and no matter how many times I try to wipe them off my desk, they seem to re-appear and multiply.
I am also pretty sure that the strange looks that I am getting from my OM's are because there are eraser shavings in my hair and/or on my face.

I can not believe that I can not use a pencil properly.
My God.

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