Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Renewing the vows.

Apparently, I am not the greatest blogger. I am no expert, but I am pretty sure that one post a month is pretty pathetic. I vow to change my blogging habits. I know, I know, I may have made this promise in the past, but this time I mean it.
Why is this time different you ask?
Well, I have completed my course requirements and will no longer need to spend countless hours on impossible assignments/projects. Ahhhhh.... the freedom I feel today is amazing.
Anyway, with no immediate due dates in my future I am sure I will be able to blog at least a few times a week.
I also promise to blog about more interesting things than myself being super busy. As interesting as I am sure it is to listen to someone complain about there being too few hours in the day... I am sure I can find something more interesting to write about.

#6 I played the flute for 8 years.
[insert bandcamp joke here... but believe me... I've heard them all]
I haven't attempted to play it for about 6 years... but I am pretty sure I could fumble through a few pieces.

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