Wednesday, December 13, 2006

As visions of partial differential equations danced through my head

Well... the day after tomorrow is my exam. I have never, in my life, studied this much for an exam. If I get in there and he asks irrelevant questions that only somewhat relate to the material we have taken, then I might actually have a nervous breakdown. Right the exam. I will have a full out temper tantrum with throwing fists and stomping feet... the whole nine yards.
On a lighter note. Christmas is coming. I love christmas. I love the lights, the snow, the food, the games....
I just hate the parties. I don't really understand the purpose of them. Work employees getting together for some bonding.... it is not like they spend 40+ hours a week together already. And why not? add some alcohol to the mix and see what happens! Never a good idea. Really.
I have gone to 3 parties thus far... all of them horrible. Mostly small talk of 'crazy weather we've been having hey?' or 'tough break for the university football team' or 'I know.... I've been feeling a little congested too... flu season, you know'. As you can probably tell, I suck at small talk. I can not feel out a co-workers 'significant other' in 10 minutes to decide what I can and can not say to them....and I can not engage in any witty banter with people who I despise or imagine physically hurting them on a regular basis. The worst thing about christmas parties?!?!?! They are mandatory. Maybe not officially, but unofficially? Definitely.

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