Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A little pep talk.

Boss just poked his head in my office to ask me if I was okay in this office. hmmm.
To me, this means one of two things.
1) Someone approached him because they think that OM#1 is insane and she is driving me insane. While this is true, I am quite good at tuning her out regularly and therefore, she does not bother me nearly as much as she once did.
2) Someone approached him because they think that I am really annoying and asked boss to ask me if I was okay with the office situation, hoping that I wasn't and then I would be moved without feeling like someone was booting me out.

I am going to go with number 1.

Boss- 'Hey. Are you okay in here?'
Me- 'Like right now? yes.'
Boss- 'No... like are you okay in this office?'
Me- 'Uhhhh yeh. Why?'
Boss- shifty eyes 'no reason'
Boss- 'You are doing really good work. Good initiative. Keep it up.'
Me- 'Ummm. Thanks.'
Boss- 'Are you ready for the conference?'
Me- 'I've got a few things to finish up...but mostly, I think I am ready'.
Boss- 'It is going to be a tough crowd.... I could lie and say no one will hammer you... but that would be a lie'
Me-*nervous giggle* 'Okay, well thanks for the pep talk'.

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