Wednesday, November 22, 2006

A few things I love:

I am a strong believer that money does not make you happy. As long as I can pay the bills and not feel like I am drowning in debt, then I don't really care how much money I make. Anyway, I thought I would take a minute to appreciate things that don't cost much but make me happy:
-Getting Friday nights off to do absolutely nothing
-Chai tea with milk
-The new Damien Rice cd
-Coconut cream pudding
-Spending the entire day watching movies that I've seen 10 times already, with Leah (sister)
-Exchanging e-mails with friends that I haven't seen in years, and it is like we saw each other yesterday
-When I tell a funny story or joke that nobody gets except my dad
-The way my dog tilts his head to the side when he looks at me, like he is waiting for an answer.

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